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November, 2015 - Rest In Peace dear Mr. Hunden!
You are so very loved, forever!!

Needs A Sponsor!
Date Listed
Clinton, MI
Rescue Group: Second Chance Dobes Primary Contact

Sarah Runyan

Meet Miss Hunden!!
Don't mess with my stuff unless... you're feeling luck punk!!

Took lessons from Superman, Clint & King - this is my Cujo Face... :))!!

Hunden is a very special Senior who will remain at the rescue for the rest of her days due to her resource guarding and other behaviors. She is very protective of her crate and will behave like Cujo if you even think of reaching your hand in although as soon as the crate door is opened she will come out happy and bouncing around excited to press up against your leg like you’ve been her best friend forever. She also has issues with sharing food and toys but otherwise is is an awesome dog if you understand her. She’s great playing with the other dogs and she is amazing at teaching puppies how to mind their manners. She is a funny old girl who will even resource guard you by laying on your feet. She is a mess but a beautiful mess!!

Special Needs if any: The special needs of any Senior Doberman.

Geographic areas: Not available for adoption.

Contact Information:
Contact: Sarah Runyan
Phone: 989-792-3772


The Sponsor A Senior program helps Seniors by raising funds for their rescue programs. This helps offset some of the additional costs that come with caring for a senior (diet, medications, supplements, etc.). Please read more about this program on the Sponsor A Senior page.

Miss Hunden is looking for a sponsor! The cost to sponsor a Senior Dobe is $40 per month or $480 per year. You can sponsor a Senior for one month, one year, or somewhere in between. To sponsor Miss Hunden, use the PayPal button below or visit the Sponsor A Senior page for instructions on sending a check. Thank you for any help you can give, it is MUCH appreciated!

Use PayPal to Sponsor Miss Hunden!!
All rights reserved, Special Needs Dobermans, Inc. ©2002. Reprinting of material found herein without written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998-2015. L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied without permission.