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Rocky is a 4 year old male Doberman in the care of Doberman Rescue of Colorado. Dobe Rescue of Colorado learned of Rocky when they received a call from a vet in Pueblo about a Dobe with a compound fracture of the tibia who's owner did not wish to treat. The x rays showed approx 10 separate broken pieces so the vets will use a plate to the jigsaw back together.

December 8, 2004 - Rocky is recovering well!
The bill has been capped at $700.00. This includes the surgery, daily bandage changes of both front and rear legs, the front leg had most of the skin taken off, and requires alternating wet-dry changes, the entire series of x rays, medso, and a week plus of supervisory hospitalization. Not too shabby, gotta love those guys down there to! We are going to keep him hospitalized for another few days and pick him up sometime this weekend.

December 10, 2004 - Rocky has a set-back!
The plate has become bent and the vet will have to go back in and either replate and/or install a fixator. Whatever it winds up being will occur this afternoon.

December 12, 2004 - Rocky is back on the road to recovery!
Well folks, Rocky is recovering well with his new fixator. His front leg is healing nicely as well. The clinic is being saintly in their understanding of our and Rocky's situation. Even with the extra hospitalization and new harware, the fixator, they are not increasing our charges. The bill remains at $700.0 even with all the extra work and surgery.. Amazing!!!

You can mail us a donation or use the PayPal button below if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation for Rocky. We appreciate any help you can offer!

Help Rocky!



January 30, 2005 - 
Rocky is a month removed from his multiple ortho surgeries. He is progressing with a steady recovery. All follow ups have shown improvement and continued stability. He still has approx. 8 weeks of rehab/recovery to go, but things are looking great. He starts accupuncture in another week or so, and will start hydrotherapy in 3-4 weeks. His foster home has decided that he shall not be leaving their home. They will taking care of all future medical bills.

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