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July, 2017!! - Miss Sadie has been adopted!!!
HAPPY NEW LIFE!! Somebody just got lucky!
Happy, happy retirement Sadie!

Seeks Forever Home
Date Listed
Fillmore, CA

Rescue Group: Doberman Pinscher Rescue

Primary Contact
Doberman Pinscher Rescue
Ardis Braun

Meet Sexy Sadie!
The Beatles wrote a song about me... Dontcha know?
This is my "come hither" and get me look... :))

Senior girl Sadie was surrendered to rescue by a couple who moved to an place were no dogs were allowed. At 9 years old she’s having trouble adjusting to the kennel environment despite being allowed indoors and having plenty of company. She gets along well with other dogs but cannot be allowed to run with the other free-roamers because all she wants to do is run away. She dashes to the front gate - where she last saw her owners - and would stay there forever waiting for them to come back. She will require strict containment in her adoptive home because we’re not sure she’ll ever get over having lost the home she loved and may forever be looking for ways to escape to find it. Sadie is a very attractive girl with no known medical problems, no lumps, and has good teeth.

Special Needs if any: None.

Geographic Areas: California and the surrounding states.

The Sponsor A Senior program helps Seniors by raising funds for their rescue programs. This helps offset some of the additional costs that come with caring for a senior (diet, medications, supplements, etc.). Please read more about this program on the Sponsor A Senior page.

Miss Sadie is looking for a sponsor! The cost to sponsor a Senior Dobe is $40 per month or $480 per year. You can sponsor a Senior for one month, one year, or somewhere in between. To sponsor Miss Sadie, use the PayPal button below or visit the Sponsor A Senior page for instructions on sending a check. Thank you for any help you can give, it is MUCH appreciated!

Use PayPal to Sponsor Sadie!!

All rights reserved, Special Needs Doberans, Inc. © 2002. Reprinting of material found herein without written permission is prohibited. "Dober'Toons!" are the property of L.Angele Laughlin-Semple, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1998-2017 L.Angele Laughlin-Semple. Copying, linking and/or reproduction of any "Dober'Toons!" artwork on this site is denied without permission.