
Ruby J!

Ruby J singing!

Help Ruby J!

Ruby J. is a beautiful 2.5 year old - what else but - red Doberman. She is a rescue Dobe, loved and adopted by Jill Jaluvka in North Carolina. Here is Ruby's story, as told by Jill, "Our rescue pup, Ruby, has been to an eye specialist and he diagnosed her with hypermature cataracts. When she was rescued last August, she had enough vision to function pretty well but her owner wanted her put down because she was no longer good breeding stock. She's lost all vision except for the ability to determine daytime from nighttime. Here's her information from the specialist, 'She is approx 2.5 years old. Has no problems other than the cataracts.' Dr. Robert V. English DVM PhD, in Cary North Carolina has determined that she's a perfect candidate for phacoemulsification cataract removal and intraocular lens implantation in both eyes. We have decided that we are going to have this procedure done so she can have a better quality of life. I vowed to Ruby, when we took her in, that I'd do everything in my power to make her new life as enjoyable as possible."

Jill has been very diligent in her fundraising efforts. She has made and sold some very beautiful stained glass suncatchers (look for some in future SND auctions), and held a fundraising yard sale for Ruby. She had raised $1000 of the $1250 needed for Ruby's surgery when she had to dip into the funds to help a foster that she had taken in who was suffering from heartworm infestation. Zoe, the foster, has since also been adopted by Jill.

We're asking for your help to make sure that Ruby is able to have the surgery that she needs to restore her vision. You can make a donation towards Ruby's surgery by using the PayPal button on this page, or you can mail us a donation. Also remember to check our Current Auctions page to see items we're auctioning off on eBay to raise money for Ruby J. and our other Dobes with special needs. As always, thank you very much for anything you can do!


September 7th, 2003 - Ruby Continues to Improve! New Pic!

August 17th, 2003 - Ruby J. Has Surgery!

July 26, 2003 - Surgery has been scheduled!

Ruby's surgery has been scheduled for August 14. We appreciate any contribution that you can handle to help in restoring Ruby's eyesight.

